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Cyber Attack Simulation Experience – Results Revealed!

Speakers: Jim Wexler, Experiences Unlimited, Gary Villeneuve, DRI International

Monday, March 7, 10:45 am - 11:45 am

This session will look at how to immerse participants in best practices for crisis Leadership – challenging them to develop the critical thinking and judgment skills required to respond to, and lead, during a crisis.

The Cyber Attack Simulation Experience, in which all attendees are invited to participate, gathers user data to gauge effectiveness and deliver personalized coaching and feedback. We'll discuss the DRI user survey results to understand the mastery level of participants and how simulations like this can provide a diagnostic that identifies and addresses essential skills needed when crisis hits.

While BCM training usually prepares execs for “Routine” Emergencies with relative predictability, crisis emergencies are distinguished by significant elements of novelty that require different capabilities. We'll also share how this approach is helping a global bank's execs experience real world crisis situations in which the unpredictable happens.

Jim Wexler

Jim Wexler, Experiences Unlimited
Jim Wexler is President of Experiences Unlimited, where he helps top companies understand how the digital landscape has changed the nature of work, business, and the human condition. Known as an original pioneer of games as a media platform, he has put over 8 million advergames into play including first-ever game-based campaigns for General Mills, Coca-Cola, The Gap, and Johnson & Johnson. He develops digital marketing strategies and campaigns to improve organizational performance and deepen engagement, and is a thought leader on Gamification — using game mechanics to motivate people, engage audiences and solve problems.

Gary Villeneuve

Gary Villeneuve, DRI International
Gary Villeneuve is currently the Director of Education for DRI International. He has also worked with Business Continuance Professionals, Department of Defense, Booz Allen and Hamilton, Potomac Research, Saint Regis Paper Company, and the University of West Florida. Skills developed over his greater than 40 year career include business continuity (BC), Continuity of Operations (COOP), disaster recovery (DR), emergency preparedness, project management, budget development and management, computer systems engineering, consulting, education and training, video production, and employee supervision and management. Gary is currently a member of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and serves on the NFPA 1600 Technical committee.

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